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The Level-Headed Saboteur
Jane Beale
Sab Portrait 12
Jane is an essential part of our mix - the Level-headed Saboteur. It’s always easy to spot Jane - she is the one working calmly and without drama. She has an extraordinary ability to make life look logical, apart from an inexplicable passion for sliding downhill, very fast, on skis. Since leaving university Jane has worked in advertising, marketing, HR and Events. She has managed to stay calm and collected at BskyB, Kimberly Clark, SMi, Aecom and even as head of logistics at an Events company. Perhaps her most challenging role has been as the mother of two teenage boys, a demographic who do not always respond to calm and reasonable persuasion. But she has an ally in Bruno the Therapy Dog. Bruno volunteers for Therapy Dogs Nationwide, when he is not maintaining buddha-like calm at home. So now if you find any zen in Saboteur, you know where it came from.